| INSTRUCTIONS TO UPLOAD DOCUMENTS FOR HS 2nd YEAR STEP 3 : Upload your Documents(Keep the following documents scanned and ready for registration) a. Recent passport photograph(Size must be width=300 and height=200) b. Signature(Size must be width=300 and height=200. Signature must be done with a black ball pen in a white paper) c. HS 1st Year Admit(Size preferably below 300kb )) d. Caste Certificate(Size preferably below 300kb) e. ANY ONE(PRC/BIRTH CERTIFICATE/BPL CARD OF FAMILY/VOTER ID CARD OF SELF OR PARENTS/ADHAR CARD OF SELF OR PARENTS)(Size preferably below 300kb) STEP 4 : Download or View your Submitted Application(No Editing can be done after Submitting STEP 3) |